Govt proposes national green aviation policy.
• India is one of the fastest growing domestic aviation markets
• In a white paper on 'National Green Aviation Policy' that has been put up for public comments
The civil aviation ministry will create a simplified regulatory regime to speed up clearances for airport development and other aviation projects while taking due care of environment sustainability, according to a white paper.
In a white paper on 'National Green Aviation Policy' that has been put up for public comments, the ministry said aviation regulator DGCA would work with other government agencies for making bio-jet fuels commercially viable.
Besides, the watchdog would assess and understand emissions from all aviation related sources, their contribution to the local air quality and their effect on compliance with local air quality regulations, as per the paper.
According to the paper, the ministry would create a "favourable regulatory regime for clearances of aviation projects such as new airports development and expansion".
There would be a special provision and timelines that would be worked out in collaboration with central and state government bodies, environment ministry, pollution control boards and the DGCA to speed up the developmental activities with due care environment sustainability, it added.
India is one of the fastest growing domestic aviation markets and is projected to become the the world's third largest air passenger market in 10 years.
As part of the proposed green aviation policy, the DGCA would assess and understand emissions from all aviation related sources and their contribution to the local air quality.
"DGCA will work with aviation stakeholders and other government authorities with framework to adopt measures to reduce emissions in all areas -- aircraft, ground support, airport infrastructure and landside access traffic," it added.
Among others, airports would adopt local air quality monitoring system and programs to monitoring the air quality around airport.
The paper noted that the DGCA would work with other government agencies including petroleum and natural gas ministry as well as private agencies for ensuring availability of bio-jet fuels for aircraft use which is commercially viable.
All aviation stakeholders shall also explore the possibilities of use of bio-fuel and other alternate fuels with lower emissions for ground vehicle application," it added.
Further, the paper noted that the stakeholders would work closely with government agencies, local bodies for effective waste management around the airport to ensure reduced bird hazards and safe airport operation.
A centre of excellence for green aviation has also been proposed, that would focus on identifying environment friendly solutions, research, competency and skill developments and aviation programmes, among others.(Source: Livemint)
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